New Book: The Bible Made Simple and Easy

Front cover image of The Bible Made Simple and Easy. A Bible Study Guide Book.

The new book, “The Bible Made Simple and Easy,” is now available on Amazon. It offers concise two-page summaries of all 66 Bible books, including key details, themes, and context to enhance understanding. Ideal for personal study or group discussions, this guide provides a user-friendly, visually engaging approach to exploring the Scriptures.

Books By Christian Author, Deakon Reeves

Three books, so far, in The Revival Team series

Deakon Reeves offers The Revival Team Series, a Christian faith and adventure fiction. The prequel and Book One, “Clerics of the Light,” are free with newsletter signup. Deakon uses a pen-name to promote humility and prioritize spirituality, focusing on delivering clean, wholesome adventures without compromising on excitement.