Books By Christian Author, Deakon Reeves

Three books, so far, in The Revival Team series

Deakon Reeves offers The Revival Team Series, a Christian faith and adventure fiction. The prequel and Book One, “Clerics of the Light,” are free with newsletter signup. Deakon uses a pen-name to promote humility and prioritize spirituality, focusing on delivering clean, wholesome adventures without compromising on excitement.

New Book: The Bible Made Simple and Easy

The new book, “The Bible Made Simple and Easy,” is now available on Amazon. It offers concise two-page summaries of all 66 Bible books, including key details, themes, and context to enhance understanding. Ideal for personal study or group discussions, this guide provides a user-friendly, visually engaging approach to exploring the Scriptures.

Learning Humility from Jesus (Like Children)

Jesus with Children when asked of His Disciples "who is greatest?"

As Christ’s crucifixion neared, His suffering highlighted humanity’s brutality in contrast to divine love. Despite betrayal and violence, His resurrection promise offered hope and comfort. Jesus’ teachings emphasize humility, openness, and unity, cautioning against spiritual blindness and division. True greatness lies in childlike qualities and welcoming those who advance His mission.

The Marathon of Remaining Faithful from Day to Day

A runner remaining faithful in kneeling at the start of competition

Life is likened to a race where spiritual character is revealed through choices. Like Paul, we are urged to fight “the good fight,” anticipate Christ’s return, and pursue righteousness. This involves active engagement with God’s word and avoiding worldly temptations, nurturing our relationship with God through commitment and obedience.

Triumphing Over Feelings of Inferiority

A pretty older woman is sad in the park.

The content discusses feelings of inferiority and their impact on individuals, emphasizing the Christian perspective of finding worth in God’s love and teachings. It highlights the importance of meditating on Scripture to combat self-doubt, understanding one’s value as God’s creation, and achieving fulfillment through perfect love, not perfectionism.

The Unfathomable Depths of God’s Grace

Incarnate Jesus with arms open between heavenly hosts and mankind depicting unimaginable depths of God's grace.

The content explores the profound concept of God’s grace, emphasizing its unearned nature and its availability to all. It illustrates grace through biblical examples such as Judas Iscariot and urges reliance on divine grace in times of need. Christians are encouraged to embrace and draw strength from God’s boundless grace.

Why we need to put on the Full Armor of God

Young woman looking at a sinister city who needs to put on the full armor of God before entering it.

The article emphasizes the importance of spiritual armor in the life of a believer to stand against spiritual battles. It explains each component: the Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, and Sword of the Spirit, highlighting their roles in providing protection and empowering believers.