The Marathon of Remaining Faithful from Day to Day

A runner remaining faithful in kneeling at the start of competition

In the grand tournament of life, each step we choose creates a pattern that reveals our spiritual character. Like the Apostle Paul, we are called to fight “the good fight” and finish the race while remaining faithful (2 Timothy 4:7). When Paul says, “From now on there is laid up for me the crown of … Read more

Triumphing Over Feelings of Inferiority

A pretty older woman is sad in the park.

Throughout our lives, and regardless of age, we might grapple with feelings of inferiority. We may even convince ourselves that we are less valuable, or of lessor importance, than others. This can be caused by unkind remarks from peers, unhealthy competitive climates, physical differences, difficulties in our relationships, and many other things. Feelings of inferiority … Read more

The Unfathomable Depths of God’s Grace

Incarnate Jesus with arms open between heavenly hosts and mankind depicting unimaginable depths of God's grace.

In the vast tapestry of human existence, there exists a concept that transcends our understanding and defies our attempts to simplify or reduce its complexity. It is a concept that encompasses both divine love and mercy, offering redemption to even the most wayward souls. This concept is none other than God’s grace – an overflowing … Read more

Why we need to put on the Full Armor of God

Young woman looking at a sinister city who needs to put on the full armor of God before entering it.

The Belt of Truth The Shield of Faith The Breastplate of Righteousness The Helmet of Salvation The Sandals of Peace The Sword of the Spirit As believers in Christ, we are engaged in a spiritual battle One that requires us to be equipped with the full armor of God. Just as a soldier prepares for … Read more

Books By Christian Author, Deakon Reeves

Three books, so far, in The Revival Team series

These are the books (so far) in The Revival Team Series by Deakon Reeves. The Prequel is free for signing up to Deakon’s newsletter (sent out around once a month and unsubscribe whenever you want). Book One in the series, Clerics of the Light, is also currently free. Just click to get yours now (you’re … Read more